Etiket: seigniorage

Use of Digital Currency in Tax-Free Financing of Public Spending

Use of Digital Currency in Tax-Free Financing of Public Spending

Blockchain technology and its leading mysterious asset cryptocurrency cause new revolution of the world. But the revolution is not crypto assets themselves, today profiting on crypto assets is a temporary situation, eventually the authority will dominate the technology. The ledger technology is more revolutionary than crypto assets. Ledger technology is more revolutionary than crypto assets. While electronic money defined as a term in directive 2000/46/EC of The European Parliament and Of the The Council, blockchain was developed in 2008 and bitcoin came alive in 2009. By crypto assets threaten the public rules as using for laundering the dirty money of underground economy. When crypto assets became a mean of laundering the dirty money of underground economy and threaten the public rules , governments began to regulate the subject. Central Banks  began to study on the national digital currency. But on the other hand, digital currency probably there will be a serious problem of money creation capabilities of banks over deposit money. And, this will also cause a deficit of money source for crediting the markets. In this study, we are offering a new temporary digital currency (STEPARA) that can be created by banks without any necessity for money source for conventional banking affairs. STEPARA is not available for saving, so the money necessity (seigniorage right) that will arise from the value added, could be covered by central banks. This new bank currency (STEPARA) that funded by the future commercial receivables could also used for liquidation of the commercial debts against other traditional means as checks, bonds, policies etc.  We simulate, calculate and show the affects on micro, macro and public economy, when if STEPARA used against the checks in 2018 and or when the company discounted its future receivables in to cash same day of sales.